Don't repeat the failure of Africa Division |
It is because it causes confusion in the future. The interference by foreign country blocks formation of rational social system by the nation. It's typical precedent is Africa Division and Colonial Rule. In this era, foreign countries drew boundary line and reformed social system in Africa at will. The era of Africa Division and Colonial Rule, a target by foreign countries was a confrontation between powers. They caused a confrontation, next they whip it up, and then they caused confusion intentionally. It is so-called Divide and Rule. As a result of it, Africa become confused land which often dispute happens. The failure of Africa Division must not be repeated. Now, new nation building has started in Iraq. It is Iraq Revival. It is necessary to remove interfere by foreign country on Iraq Revival. For purpose of it, It is important to prevent confrontations between powers in Iraq is needed. For example, a) Provide rights and duty of powers. b) Find a solution to troubles between powers. Etc. It is necessary to construct a mechanism of troubleshooting between powers, isn't it? And, it should be constructed by powers in Iraq by themselves. If not a chance which foreign country interfere will be made. In addition to that, if powers don't construct it, they cannot have any chance to get skills in the troubleshooting. A process which powers in Iraq by themselves construct a mechanism for inter power troubleshooting is needed, on Iraq Revival. This process is important. To make light of this process, then it mans to remain seeds to future dispute. A mechanism of troubleshooting must be constructed thoroughly, and remove seeds of dispute thoroughly. at any years. It has time enough. However, this process is difficult. Some problems are expected in this process. For example, a) A possibility to breakdown, by reason that powers doesn¡Çt reach a consensus about the mechanism. b) Existences of foreign country, which aim, interfere stubbornly. Etc. There is potential that problems are more than powers can manage. May be backup for powers is needed. a) If powers don't reach consensus then mediate between powers. b) If foreign country aim interfere then remove it. Etc. May be a supporter for backup in this process is needed. This supporter assists powers to manage problems which powers hard to manage, and proceed with this process. Well, who should be left in trusted with this task of support. It must be impartiality and neutrality third party. It is because, if supporter take side with one power, then the consensus will not be reached. It is like Israel-Palestine dispute. Supporter must be trusted by all powers. Now, it is only the United Nations, which can be left in trusted with task of support. The United Nations should support the process, which construct a mechanism for troubleshooting between powers in Iraq on Iraq Revival. The United Nations supports a birth of nation, as if an incubator supports incubation. Just at the moment, the United Nations is sounded by the United States to mediate about an early enforcement of direct election in Iraq. In this opportunity, how about to propose this plan? An early enforcement of direct election is better than interfere by foreign country in nation building. So that, an early enforcement of direct election is a better choice for Iraq, not to repeat the failure of Africa Division. Nation Building under the United Nations supports. Or An early enforcement of direct election There are these two choices on Iraq revival. Counter Colonial Business *********************************************** v(^o^)v daisy Chun Jiuqien ( x ) daisy ICQ:38969410 m m=* daisy *********************************************** |
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